Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thing #24: GRAND SLAM

I have done it!  I, the technological challenged, have finished the "23 Things."  I have learned ALOT along the way and in technology class.  I really liked learning about:
  • image generators
  • online calendars
  • how to set up a blog
  • how to hyperlink
  • the different bookmarking sites
  • all the things Google has to offer (who knew!)
  • making a video on Animoto
  • taking a screen shot
  • interactive PowerPoints
  • Excel (still have a ways to go here)
  • making a podcast 
  • graphic organizer sites
  • editing on Word
The list really goes on and on. I have learned how to use technology to my advantage.  I know where and how to "look" for things I am interested in.  I know that there are countless "free" education resources available  (websites, blogs, chatrooms, twitter accounts, etc.) for me to learn from.  Most importantly, I want to continue learning about technology.  I would like to maintain a classroom website or blog for my class when I am a full time teacher. 

Personally, I feel I have hit a "GRAND SLAM" with what I have learned this semester.   I imagine myself hitting it out of the park.  I am running to home and my teammates are all cheering for me.  My family is on their feet clapping!  It is a pretty good feeling!  Leslie

Thing #23: Sliding head first into home!!!!!!

After I Googled "23 Things,"  I found several schools that utilize a version of the program.  Here is a link to a "23 Things" that is similar to ours.

I noticed that on the left hand side of the above "23 Things," it said it had been "borrowed and duplicated" with permission.   This is where Creative Commons comes in.  Creative Commons allows educators and others to use information, art, music with permission.  By using the Creative Commons site, teachers can make sure they are giving the creator credit for their work.  It is important to educate our students to "give credit where credit is due" when using the Internet and other published sources. 

So, my last baseball quote will be from A League of their Own......."There's no cryin' in baseball."


Thing #22: Rounding third

Livebinder is another bookmarking tool.  It is a useful way to share bookmarked resources.  I could not figure out how to embed one of my folders, but I did take a screen shot of my folders.  My folder names are LGBTQ articles/websites, classroom management, and biology. 

I clicked on the options tab and clicked on embed, but I could not get any further than that.
So, with completing thing 22, I am almost "home" with my Things!!!!

So, I am looking forward to watching the Clarksville National Little League major Mets tomorrow. 

Do you know what baseball movie this quote came from......"If you build it, he will come....."


Thing #21: Headed for second

Well I just finished my Animoto video.  I thought it turned out pretty cute.  Here is the direct link to my video.

I liked my little video so much, I even figured out how to post it on my Facebook page. 
You do have to pay for the services on this site (this was just a trial sample), but it was really easy to use.  For a special event or occasion, I think it would be worth the money.

So, in keeping with my baseball theme, here is another quote from a baseball movie.

"Do you know what we get to do today Brooks? We get to play baseball." - Jim Morris (Dennis Quaid) in The Rookie (2002)  (Quote from Baseball Almanac website)

Enjoy this glorious day friends!  Leslie

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Thing #20: Rounding first

It continues to amaze me what is on Youtube.  I have directed my anatomy and physiology lab students in the past and present to Youtube to review their sheep brain dissections.  Who would have thought sheep brain dissections would be posted-but they are!  I didn't really think anyone would really want to see the embedded version, but if you are interested, here is the link to a good sheep brain dissection review.

I have found Youtube to be very easy to use.  Today, I  realized there are categories along the left hand side of the site, but I usually just search for a topic when I am looking for something.  There are many great educational videos posted on Youtube.

So, in closing, I will keep with the baseball theme by quoting a line from one of my favorite baseball movies.

"Pick me out a winner, Bobby"  (Roy Hobbs in The Natural)  

 Quote taken from:   


Thing #19 (Can you finish this lyric?)

I have joined TeacherPop, posted my profile picture, requested to join a classmates page, and left a comment on the forum.  I could not figure out how to copy/paste the badge, but I did take a screen shot of it.

I think this social networking site is great since it directly relates to the needs APSU preservice teachers may have.  It is a great site to post questions and ask for ideas. 

I also checked out the Education Networking site.  I did not join but have bookmarked this site for later use.  It lists links to all kinds of education social networking groups. 

So, in closing, I just want to say how much I am enjoying this great weather we are having.  I am actually sitting outside now posting.  Spring fever has hit me hard!  I love sitting out at the ballpark visiting with other baseball moms.  So, I will leave you with a classic baseball song.  Can you finish the lyrics?

"Put me in coach, I'm ready to at me......I can be______________." 

Leslie (baseball mom)